Human Resources/Workforce

Developing Employee, Team and Staff Capabilities
Have Work Environment Needs Changed Much Since 1994?
Back in 1994, I created a list of environmental needs from the company worked for during my engineering career. Are these relevant today?
Generational Engagement – Embracing Gen Y and Gen Z
There are more members of these work generations entering the workforce every day. What do they expect from their employers and how can organizations best benefit from their contributions?
What Hiring Managers Want
Hiring managers are looking for many things in a new hire but what counts most? Is it enough to be an technical expert or is there more to the decision?
A New Approach for Growing Employee Capabilities – Behaviorally Anchored Self Assessment (BASA)
Summerhill Associates’ BASA tool is an innovative and legally defensible tool for developing employees and can be easily incorporated into a performance management and review process. It’s been developed through years of use in manufacturing organizations with measurable success.
Creative Space Model – A Tool for Teams
In the fifteen-plus years that I have been involved with teams – as a student of the team concept, a team member, a team leader, a manager and a consultant – I have learned some important lessons culled from personal experience: team members like working on teams, functional managers don’t know if they like teams or not, not everyone makes a good team member, and it’s a much more difficult to build and sustain a team over time than many people realize. For teams involved in new product development, these issues can be compounded by the need to work together in a creative environment. To do so effectively requires a heightened level of awareness from team members, team leaders, and the organizations that support them.
Hiring for Fit…to What? Strategic Interviewing and Organizational Culture
Don’t overlook organizational culture considerations in your hiring and promotion decisions. Here are some tips to making a great hire and avoiding some huge pitfalls down the road.